How Breast Cancer Support Groups Provide Comfort

Breast cancer is one of the biggest fears of most women the world over. Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone. There are few things in this world that are able to send shivers down your spine like discovering a lump in your breast tissue only to have those worst fears confirmed by your doctor. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, there’s a good chance that you’ve at least been curious about breast cancer support groups. Are they actually good for providing comfort to patients? Many people seem to believe that they are, but how exactly do they go about it?

Even the most beneficial things in the world can leave question marks in our heads if we don’t have enough information about them. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources available for cancer patients that are looking to find support groups, and breast cancer patients are definitely a group that receives a great deal of support. If you’ve been on the fence about finding yourself a breast cancer support group because you need a bit more information, you’re in the right place. Today we’re going to look at how one of these groups can help you find the comfort you need to continue on your journey to recovery. 

Spending Time Among People Who Know Exactly What You Mean

One of the most tragic afflictions of the human condition is the tendency to feel alone when we face obstacles. Whether that feeling comes from the people around us simply not understanding what we’re going through or some other place, it’s still common. Whether these kinds of depressive episodes are brought on by chemical imbalances or traumatic circumstances, the result tends to stay the same. People are just prone to feeling like they’re going through difficult times. 

This is an especially common reaction for cancer patients. Their loved ones are there and likely are doing everything that they possibly can, but there’s something about the experience that people that have never had cancer might just have a hard time getting. It’s definitely a good thing that your loved ones might have a hard time completely understanding what you’re going through, that just means that they haven’t had to face cancer. Unfortunately, as the patient, it can start to feel more than a little heavy as time continues to pass and you continue your fight. 

That’s where cancer support groups come in. The whole point of support groups is to meet up with people that are going through the same thing as you are. These groups allow you to exist in a space where you can interact with people that are in the same boat, which can help a lot when you’re trying to remain hopeful. In fact, many groups even have people that have already recovered from their cancer. That means that not only do they understand what you’re going through, but they can inspire some hope in you to help you as you continue fighting.

Many people find comfort in this approach. It’s hard enough fighting cancer as it is, but many people find that doing so without the support of people who really, truly understand is just that much harder. There is more than one type of cancer support group, as well, but we can get more into that in just a moment. Just know that no matter the type of person you are, there’s a good chance that you’d be able to find a group of like-minded people that are dealing with the same thing that you are. Building bonds with these people, for many, is something that couldn’t be replaced. 

You Can Get Personalized Support

When you try to find something to make you feel better and it backfires it can be absolutely devastating. Especially if you’ve spent days hyping it up in your head that it’s going to help. This can happen with cancer support groups, so it can be a bit tricky. Fortunately, you can find support groups that will feel tailor-made to your specific needs. It takes a bit of thought and effort, but you can fairly easily find yourself in a group that feels like home. 

That’s because there’s more than one type of cancer support group that you can attend. Of course, there’s the traditional group therapy setting for cancer support groups. These groups run pretty much as you might imagine. A group of people meet up and talk about their feelings attached to their experience and everyone is there to support one another. This format works great for a lot of people. Speaking your peace in front of people that you know will completely understand where you’re coming from can be therapeutic for many people and that can give them the boost they need to get through the next days, weeks, or even months.

Leading Lung Cancer Charities & Organizations

Because everyone is different and needs different types of support, there are other types of groups available. Some groups exist with the sole purpose of helping you get your affairs in order just in case the worst happens. Some people simply don’t respond well to group therapy sessions. Whether that’s because the patient doesn’t like to talk about their emotions, they don’t like hearing about other people’s emotions, or they simply find more peace in getting things planned out. Some people even attend both types of groups because it covers all of their support needs. 

There are even options for those of us that would prefer not to go into physical meetings. The internet has made remote meetings possible and you can even meet with people from other counties. You can find both types of groups in an online meeting format, which just means that you can even further personalize your support. Some people simply don’t want to sit at some venue for their meetings and would rather do so from the comfort of their home, and that’s why you can find meetings like this online. In fact, the pandemic has only made meeting over computers more convenient. 

A Simple Enough Process to Join

Some people are scared off from the idea of cancer support groups because they feel like it might be too arduous to try and join. Fortunately, this is a misconception. Finding and joining cancer support groups is actually pretty simple if you know how to go about it. There are a few paths that you can take, and all of them have a high likelihood of helping you get to exactly where you need to be, no matter what the manifestation of your support needs looks like. 

It’s not uncommon for doctors’ offices, hospitals, and other medical facilities to have lists of local cancer support group meetings. All you need to do to obtain a copy of this list is ask and someone will be more than happy to get that information from you. From there, all you need to do is contact the organizer of any group that you’re interested in so you can get more information before committing. That step is important to make sure that the group is right for you. From there, all you need to do is start showing up and you’re part of the group. In some groups it takes a little more effort than that, sometimes you need to pay a fee and sometimes you need to let the organizer know that you’ll be attending, but overall even with an extra step or two, it’s still pretty easy. 

Many people also search online to find their cancer support groups, and that can be even easier if you know what you’re doing. Searching online allows you to add filters to your search, which means that you can narrow down your search results by a lot. If you’re using this method, it’s still best practice to ask the organizer some questions before you start attending, but it’s still pretty easy. Even if you don’t really understand how to use the internet, more than likely someone who’s taking care of you does and they’ll be able to help you. 

It is good to note that some groups do require a small fee to help the group keep doing what it does. That’s information that you can get from the organizer when you’re asking questions. If there’s a group that you really like and the only barrier for you attending is the fee, you can ask your insurance if they cover cancer support groups. Many insurance plans do, so it could definitely be worth a shot. 

You Don’t Have to do it Alone

Facing big things like cancer alone is scary. Luckily enough, you don’t have to. There are thousands of people going through the same thing as you that would be happy to provide you with some support. No matter your needs or how hopeless your situation may seem, there are people out there that will entirely understand your struggles and will be able to sympathize with you even on your worst days. The right cancer support group has the ability to change your life and make your journey to recovery a lot easier. 

***On the Aepios platform, members gain support from peers nationwide by sharing valuable real-world experiences, treatments, and outcomes for an expanding number of medical conditions.***