The Most Typical Dental Concerns That Orthodontics Can Treat
These days, one of the most common wrong dental beliefs among people is imagining braces as a treatment option only for children. Thanks to modern technology and considerable improvements in orthodontics, a great list of dental problems can be treated with braces for kids and adults with different dental issues. However, not all candidates who visit a professional orthodontist suffer from crooked teeth but have other oral problems that should be treated benefiting from orthodontics. One of the main problems in the orthodontic field and for patients who visit orthodontists is their fear of procedures caused by wrong imaginations and myths. Among the most frequent concerns that stop patients from getting braces is thinking about the pain and discomfort caused by orthodontics which isn’t as severe as what they believe. Also, the advantages gained by orthodontic treatment are significantly more noticeable than discomfort and ache during the process, which can be easily solved by taking suitable medicine. In this article, we asked an Oakville orthodontist to list the most common problems that can make you a more excellent candidate to get braces as a kid or adult!
Misaligned or crooked teeth: orthodontic treatment is the best solution for those with crooked teeth to give them a great smile with straightened teeth they always wish to have. Also, misaligned teeth are one of the leading causes of further dental problems as they make the process of oral hygiene hard to remove your access to some parts of your teeth. Those parts are more likable to confront different dental issues, especially tooth decay.
Jaw problems: it might make many people with jaw problems amazed to know that orthodontic treatment is a great choice to treat uneven jaws and other jaw issues. People with jaw problems face a whole package of dental problems, including uncomfortable chewing and even breathing issues. However, not all jaw problems are treatable through orthodontic treatment, and it all depends on the discretion and opinion of the orthodontist after observing the patient’s oral condition.
Overbite issues: one of the main problems seen among patients who visit orthodontists is overbite issues that make their upper jaw protrude over the lower jaw. Overbite issues can cause serious difficulties, especially if it’s a severe case; however, people with these issues are great candidates for orthodontic treatment.
Problems with speech and chewing: frequently all problems with teeth and jaw that can be fixed by orthodontic treatment lead to difficulties with speech and chewing. Orthodontists will thoroughly explain the benefits of braces to patients, including corrections for speech and chewing issues.
The cross-bite: It is a cross-bite if the upper teeth go behind the lower teeth during cross-biting. Braces and other orthodontic equipment are the most suitable treatment option for people with cross-bite issues.
Remember, one of the most critical problems that can be fixed by braces is self-confidence issues. It’s normal to be bothered while smiling or talking if you have any of mentioned issues, so consider the significant advantages you achieve after orthodontic treatment!