Best Essential Oils To Use During Seasonal Blues
Essential oils are very well-known for their ability to aid in relaxation and improve mood. And as the colder season is approaching, for those who experience seasonal blues, keeping some essential oils ready for when you are feeling down is recommended. The festive season means you’ll be eating more, there will be holidays, the weather will get colder, and many more. So, when you transition into the colder weather and the festive season, use these essential oils to enhance your mood and spirit. Here’s a list of the best essential oils that you can use:
Cedarwood Essential Oil: Cedarwood essential oil is great to use during the transition process. It has a sweet and woodsy scent and is great when you are feeling down and finding it difficult to adjust to the transition. Diffuse some drops of cedarwood essential oil in the morning or the evening.
Orange Essential Oil: Orange essential oil is known for that sweet, fresh, fruity, and familiar smell. So, as the day gets shorter and the winter blue is hitting you, you can diffuse this essential oil to boost your mood and spirit. And colder weather automatically means flu season, and since orange essential oil is known to have immune-boosting properties, this should be a must in your self-care routine. If you do not have one yet, get it from Young Living Essential Oilsand use it when you feel down.
Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil: Cinnamon is known for its immune-boosting and purifying properties. This oil is a classic for the colder weather as it provides that warm effect when diffused in the air. So, if you are someone who cannot handle the cold, this cinnamon essential oil should be a must-have. One thing about cinnamon essential oil is that it is not recommended to apply it topically as it is a hot oil. So, this is a crucial point to remember.
Frankinscense Essential Oil: Frankincense essential oil is a must-have whether it is winter or summer as it offers many benefits. It is not only great to help you relax and make you feel much better overall, but it is also great for your skin. It can help repair your skin that has been damaged by the cold wind. This is one oil that offers you many benefits all year long.
Ginger Oil: Ginger oil offers many benefits as well, just as any other essential oils listed in this blog post. We all know ginger as a kitchen spice, but did you know that ginger essential oil has purifying and immune-boosting properties? Along with this, it also aids when you have an upset stomach. You can inhale it, diffuse it, or add it to your food.
Patchouli Essential Oil: When the weather gets colder, one can diffuse a few drops of Patchouli essential oil to create a cozy and sensual environment. You can add a few drops of this oil as you run a warm bath, you can make a DIY lotion out of it to nourish your dry skin, or you can diffuse it when you are feeling down.
Sandalwood Essential Oil: As you transition into the colder weather and take some time out to relax or meditate, diffuse a few drops of sandalwood essential oil. If you’re someone who enjoys meditating, you will love this essential oil. It has a rich and woody smell. and is great for the winter season.
Essential oils are a must-have for the colder weather and when you need something to boost the winter blue. The list is not limited to the above-mentioned list alone, so you can explore your options. Perhaps the most important thing that you need to understand here is to get top-quality oil from Young Living Essential Oils, whether you plan to diffuse it, spray it in your linen, ingest it, or inhale it.
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