Features Of Intensive Outpatient Program
Drugs are a way to increase your health, to make it better, many people use it according to the prescription of the doctor, but many abuses it according to the situation they are going through. There are many culprits in making a person become a drug addict, the best of them is depression, going through heartache, going through loss. People want instant gratification when someone goes through a loss, like losing a loved one, losing a good job, losing a car that you worked so hard to get etc. Basically, loss plays a huge role in a person becoming a drug addict.
When someone goes through heartbreak, they go for instant things that make them feel good, like fast food, milkshakes, junk food etc. some go up a notch and start taking over-the-counter medications or other things like drug such as weed to get the feel-good hormones inside their body. This instant gratification makes them lose sense of themselves and the people around them, they start relying on drugs and soon they become addicted to it. Such kind of a person cannot heal themselves alone, they need a professional drug rehab facility who can do a checkup and see what treatment program i.e., outpatient program, inpatient program, los angeles iop, intensive inpatient program etc. they need.
After they run a checkup, and they assign intensive outpatient rehab treatment, then there are a few features that this program has which you should know about before the treatment begins.
The Hours Increase.
The intensive outpatient treatment program is similar to the outpatient program but only a few things change, one of them is the hours of treatment per day. In outpatient program, the patient only had to come for an hour to the rehab facility, but in intensive outpatient treatment program, the patient has to come for 2 to 3 hours depending upon what level of drug addiction they are going through. The reason the hours increase is because the patients will get more exposure to group therapy and to counselling, they even get medical treatment if required. The patients also have to come to the treatment facility for either 3 days, 4 days, or 5 days.
The Work Can Be Resumed.
When los angeles iop is administered, the patients are told that they can still go to work and do their regular things which they used to do. But these things are only allowed when the patient is following the rules and regulations that are set up by the medical health professional at the rehab facility. Allowing to work is vital for the treatment itself, because the patient will keep interacting while getting treated which will help them heal better on a deeper level.
It Costs Less Than Inpatient Program.
Inpatient program costs anywhere from 30,000 dollars to 60,000 dollars for 30 days to 90 days of treatment. While intensive outpatient treatment program costs 10,000 dollars per month, which can go to 25,000 dollars to 30,000 dollars for 3 months of treatment which is the usual duration for it. It provides similar level of intensity as inpatient program but for lesser price.
Group Therapy Is Given.
This is the main thing that helps a person heal in this treatment program. Group therapy consists of former drug addicts, current drug addicts all under the supervision of a counsellor who lets the patients interact and share experiences with each other. Group therapy in los angeles iop really shakes the person up and helps them feel like they are not alone in this long and hard journey of healing from drug addiction but looking at former drug addicts at the group therapy really makes them believe they can heal someday.